Monday, August 23, 2010

Easing in

Class doesn't start for me until next week, but I'm going to have to be on campus every day this week. Faculty at SLAC are expected to attend opening receptions and new student orientation activities--we all got recruited to either lead a discussion on the campus's common reading or give a mini-lecture that gives them a taste of teaching. As a new advisor, I have an advising workshop to go to, and then I need to meet with my crew of new advisees and get them registered for fall classes.

This is maybe more involvement with new-student stuff than faculty have at larger institutions, no? But this is part of the atmosphere SLAC sells itself on. I'm actually hopeful that it will be a good way to get myself more used to a structured routine. I have been spending the summer sleeping late and having very unstructured time, and I need to get used to getting up earlier and paying attention to what time it is.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the gentle immersion... :)

Anonymous said...

I have to do this kind of thing at the seminaries where I work, too. Even as an adjunct. It's part of the culture, I guess.

clio's disciple said...

Ink: Thanks!

Anastasia: Wow. I wouldn't expect adjuncts to participate in this sort of thing. Then again, I wouldn't gush about how lucky I was to get them so cheaply in their presence, either.

feMOMhist said...

at TTLAC ditto. I attended convocation, gleefully towing fMhdaughter to make the point that IF YOU REQUIRE work on the weekends, you impinge on family time and should provide daycare/entertainment for the kiddies. I spent the first day in the intensive mentoring relationship TTLAC encourages. I find that mostly rewarding so I don't mind :)